Archive News & Posts

Ashington Festival 2013

Ashington Festival 2013

Despite the rain, the crowds still came for a fantastic day out at the Ashington Festival. The day started with the Carnival procession travelling...

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Golf Day Sunday 17th June 2012

Golf Day Sunday 17th June 2012

Golf Day Sunday 17th June 2012 A “fixture clash” led to a slightly disappointing turn out for the Village Golf day this year. Those golfers who did...

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Ashington Carnival 2011

Ashington Carnival 2011

Ashington Carnival 2011 The sun shone on Ashington Festival this year, and thousands of people came along making a fantastic day and a real...

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Ashington Festival Grants

After a successful Festival this year, the Festival Committee wrote to village groups and organisations offering a grant to buy any equipment they...

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ASHINGTON Golf Day 2010

ASHINGTON Golf Day 2010

Saturday 1st May saw the second ASHINGTON Festival Golf Day.  The day took place at west Chiltington Golf Club Overall winner on the day was Steve...

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